Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Meet Lyndsay's CT: Rachel

Hey Lyndsay Loves! CT member Kala here giving you this month's edition of Meet the CT. I have been given the delightful task of spotlighting Rachel (aka rachnmaddie) for March! Let's find out a little more about her...

1: Your Name: Rachel, Rachie, Ray-Ray

2: Your Photo: 3. How long you've been on Lyndsay's team?
Since June of 2010. I started out as a guest and was uber-tickled to stay (ok, that sounded skeevy.... not uber-tickled, but joyfully delighted!)

4. Your favorite Lyndsay product

5. Your favorite layout created using Lyndsay's stuffs:

6. Where do you get/what gives you - your scrapping inspiration?
Different things, sometimes it's the pictures that I take. I love taking close-ups of my daughters' features and sometimes I get excited to scrap those pics. Sometimes it's a kit and I get anxious to use a certain element or paper.

7. Do you usually start with the picture or the paper?
It depends. I usually start with a picture in mind and build from there.

8. Your favorite snack/drink while you scrap
Always some sort of pop. If you are wondering what pop is.... it's a soda. I love snacking while I scrap, especially on something chocolatey!

9. Anything else you want to tell everybody???
Hmmm. I love reality television, and I scrap while I watch my DVR'd shows (shame!), but I am a multi-tasker :)

10. A link to your SO gallery

Now you can go take a peek at Rachel's fabulous gallery and show that gal some love! I bet she'll be tickled pink!

Happy Wednesday!


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