Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April Customer Spotlight!

Hey there scrappers! Sarah here to bring this months customer spotlight! This month we are getting to know Ramona (the pest). I think her screen name is funny because, in my opinion, she is one of the least pesty and one of the nicest people around digiland! Let's get to the good stuff! (I must add that great minds think alike in that Ellie featured a project from Ramona in one of the latest blog posts and we didn't plan to be all matchy matchy!)

What is your username/name?
Ramona the pest

How long have you been scrapping?
I have been scrapping for about 16 years, but turned to digital scrapping about 4 years ago.

What is your favorite thing about digiscrapping?
I LOVE that my kids can't get into it! I also love that I can print a book, but still have a digital copy. When my son (now 12) was 3, he took his paper scrapped album outside and left it in the sprinklers. I was devastated and am still trying to recreate his book! With digital, I will never have to worry about that again.

Describe your ideal scrapping environment:
A quiet house, some chocolate to snack on and about 3 great kits to inspire me!

What is your favorite Lyndsay product?
I love Lyndsay's work! Picking a favorite kit is almost impossible. However, I ADORE her newest kit:
(note: the store is down at the time of this post but find this kit at Scrap Orchard in Lyndsay's Store)

I had to buy it immediately when I saw it in her newsletter! I can't wait to scrap with it!

Tell us a little about yourself:
I have 6 great kids who are the inspiration in all my layouts! I have been married for 15 1/2 years to my best friend and the love of my life! My favorite hobby (besides scrapping) is writing and although life is pretty busy now, someday I hope to finish at least one of the novels rattling around in my brain! I am also blessed with a son who has special needs. He has shaped me and tested me and taught me to love in a way I never thought possible. As a result, I find myself with a great love and passion for children who are born with extra challenges!

For fun, what are 3-5 things you can touch right now?
An empty Sobe lifewater bottle (my drink of choice), my camera (waiting to have Easter photos uploaded) and my 2 year old's new t-ball set (waiting to be put together)

Here are some of Ramona's inspiring projects:

Thank you for letting us get to know you better, Ramona! Remember to keep uploading those layouts and projects to Lyndsay's gallery at Scrap Orchard and you could be in the spotlight next!

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